Wang Yueyi


English Name: Hachi
Birthday: 4 December 1995
Birthplace: China
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Pig
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 170 cm
Agency: Hopewell (Beijing)
Fandom Name: 八宝粥 (ba bao zhou / Eight Treasures Congee)
Weibo Supertopic: 王悦伊
Work Studio: 王悦伊工作室

last updated january 28, 2021 by _milkkie


The Bond / 乔家的儿女Yang Ling Zi (Support Role)2021
The Best Friend / 最好的朋友Xie Ting Feng (Main Role)2021
Forever and Ever / 一生一世Hong Xiao Yu (Support Role)2021
Eternal Love / 苍兰诀Dan Yin (Support Role)TBA
Eternal Faith / 吉星高照Wind Master Qingxuan (Support Role)TBA


The Yin Yang Master / 侍神令Butterfly Fairy (Support Role)2021
Mr. Zheng / 老郑飞到天上去了?2021

She bought and raised two butterflies in 2021. Unfortunately, they flew away and she never saw them again.
[Vlog 13]

[She really likes butterflies (hairclips, rings, etc.)]

A tattoo can be seen on her left arm that says:

Likes to read comic books and watch cartoons at home.

She was an internet celebrity known as "Hachi Myna" before she became an actress.

Wang Yueyi is an artist.

She has been drawing since she was a kid, and was a member of her school's art club during middle and high school.

She was also the gaokao champion of liberal arts in high school.

These "bag-eyed frogs" doodles are emotes drawn by her.

She likes frogs and have a soft spot for ugly animals.

2020 Wang Yueyi's message to the future Hachi:

"no matter what happens, do not run away."